Entries by catherineM

Phyt’s chose hydrolates as skin toners.  Hydrolates are botanical distillates that carry the properties of the plant materials used to manufacture them. To understand why they make great skin toners, we need to look at the extraction process of essential oils: steam distillation. Here’s how it is done: you take a large quantity of, say […]

After-Sun Comfort Body Cream

The weather is warming up, spring and summer are around the corner and there is nothing more attractive than a trip to the beach and a few hours enjoying the sun particularly at this time when restrictions are lifting up and we can renew with a sense of healthy freedom many of us crave after […]

Phytonagre for menopausal skin

Skin is the largest organ of our body. It acts as a physical barrier between us and the environment, protecting internal organs, and regulating metabolic activity such as temperature and water balance. It is subject to ageing, just like every other organ system of the body. Skin ageing includes the loss of elasticity, a reduction […]

Why PHYT’S? Why expertise counts

To develop a product that delivers what it promises to deliver, safely and consistently, does not happen overnight.  Behind the finished product consumers can trust, lie decades of know-how and expertise, and this is most particularly true when it comes to the development and manufacture of certified organic cosmetics. Imagine that one day you resolve […]

PHYT’S Decongesting and Soothing Cream for Skin Redness

All skin types can be prone to diffuse redness which usually manifest itself by  small pink patches on cheeks (rosy cheeks), nose and chin – very often with visible micro-capillaries. There is a network of delicate veins, under the skin of the face, responsible for blood circulation – they are called capillaries. These very thin […]

Vegetable Charcoal – A Gentle Detoxifier for Oily Skin

Most likely, you’ve heard about it… charcoal is the last buzz in the beauty world and is becoming a major component in the skincare industry. It’s no wonder oily skin is the first beneficiary of this ingredient if we consider the properties of charcoal.  Vegetable charcoal goes back to ancient times Although cosmetics manufacturers seem […]

Bright boost with plant-based glycolic acid for a glowing skin

Glowing skin signifies radiant health, vitality and youth, and helps us face the world with more confidence. So, it’s no wonder humankind across all cultures and regions have been searching for ways to improve the skin’s appearance throughout the ages. There’s one technique that has consistently emerged throughout history as a top choice for rejuvenating […]

Why hyaluronic acid is the perfect hydration boost for all skin types

Hydration is a crucial component if we want our skin to look plumb and burst with vitality. Hyaluronic acid (HA) is an essential ingredient to help moisturise your skin. Let’s take a more in-depth look at hyaluronic acid: what it is and where it’s found. Hyaluronic acid is a linear insoluble polymer – mucopolysaccharide. It […]

Anatomy of a Mythical Cream 

Crème Absolue has been at the forefront of age-defying cream for over 40 years and still enjoys a cult-like following in France and around the world. What is its secret? The mind and vision behind the productWe need to travel back in time, to the year 1972 and in the South of France. There, we meet […]

SOS Dry Lips!

The cold dry winter season always sees an increase in chapped lips. This is because your lips do not have oil glands, so they’re almost always exposed to the elements. People have chapped lips throughout the year, but in winter, dry air indoors, wind and cold weather outside contribute to worsening conditions and chapped lips […]

Anti-Pollution Reviderm to the rescue of urban skin

Today, the consequences of urban air pollution on skin health are increasingly recognised. Fine particles from exhaust gases and other pollutants penetrate the pores of the epidermis and cause allergies and heightened sensitivity. Unfortunately, exhaust gases only represent part of the problem: ground-level ozone, nitrogen oxides from cars, sulphur oxide and lead from industrial waste […]

How to keep your skin healthy when wearing a protective mask?

Skin redness for some, pimples or pressure ulcers for others… These are some of the issues that can appear as the result of wearing a protective face mask for long periods. Our skin is not used to being covered for an extended period. The reactions are often the same: redness, especially on the cheekbones, and […]

The best treatments for your hands

Your hands tell a story and like all stories, they can reveal much about who you are, what you do, how healthy you are and of course, how old you are. Anatomically, your hands are the first thing people notice (through waving, a handshake) after your facial features. When it comes to our face, our […]

Best exfoliants to prepare your skin for winter

Autumn brings different colours to our life; the temperature becomes colder, the days grow shorter, and everything in nature seems to slow down. The most visible and universal sign that winter is upon us is that trees shed their leaves. Skin is a biological system and its rhythm follows the seasons. Where most people find […]

Phyt’s Multi-Vita Firming & Tensing Serum

A FEW FACTS ON SKIN AGEING  A fact of life we can hardly ignore is that until science and technology allow us to do otherwise, as we grow older biologically so does the part of us most visible to the external world: our skin. As we move through time, our skin loses the vitality, energy […]

Phyt’s Treatment for Stretch Marks

Stretch marks are quite a challenge to treat as they are a form of scar tissue. They occur when skin is abnormally stretched and expanded quicker than normal. When this happens, collagen and elastin fibres which are part of the skin’s support structure, break down or rupture, leaving “tears” in the dermis (the middle layer) […]

Phyt’s Panacée for Mothers Day

This Mothers’ day will be very different from others. For those who might have become overnight teachers of home-schooled kids as well as working from home, celebrations will go ahead almost as normal. For others with mothers living in a different state, this day of celebration might trigger a more acute sense of separation. In […]

Which face cleanser is best for you?

Which face cleanser is the best for you? Removing makeup, dirt, and grime from the day might not seem to be the most significant step in a skin-care routine, but it is actually the most important. Facial cleansing is not ‘just’ about removing particles from the skin, it is about preparing it for the products […]